The band is one of the largest student organizations at BGHS and there's a reason for that. We strive to create an atmosphere where everyone is welcome and because of that the band really is a family. The band truly is unique in that many individuals come together to create something bigger, more impressive, and more awesome than they ever could on their own.
In making music, we get to share our passion and artistry with large audiences, whether it's at a football game on Friday night, a concert in Vienna, Austria, or a jazz gig with pro musicians. You will get to share the JOY of music with thousands of people every year.
If you are looking for an activity that will be fun, challenging you to be a better musician and person, as well as teach you lessons that will benefit you for the rest of your life, join the band.
There is no experience necessary, only the willingness to learn an instrument or a flag, become a musician, and grow as a person. It doesn't matter if you haven't played in years either. Come one and come all to this great music-making experience!
Not enough space in your schedule? No worries, we have several creative ways to make band "fit". Ask any of our students who are in multiple AP and honors classes, several activities and sports and still manage to be very successful in the band.
We are excited that you have chosen to join the Buffalo Grove High School Band Program!
Please read through the information below and contact Mr. Genualdi if you have any questions.
General Band Placement Materials
Entire Sheet - Scales, Excerpt 1, Excerpt 2​
Percussion audition on Keyboard and Snare Drum ONLY
Additional Excerpt for Wind Ensemble Audition
Auditioning with the additional excerpt is required for placement in Wind Ensemble, the most advanced band at Buffalo Grove High School. Auditioning on this extra material does not guarantee a position in Wind Ensemble. ​
Jazz Placement Audition
Any student interested in participating in Jazz Band can join Jazz Band, but an audition is REQUIRED for placement into Jazz Ensemble - the top jazz band at Buffalo Grove High School.
Percussionists interested in jazz can audition on either vibes, drum set, or both.
​Auditions are due May 1st, 2023.
Video Audition Procedure
All Students
Audition must be VIDEO where your FACE can be seen playing the instrument.
*Percussion students must have their hands visible on the video recording.
Say your name at the beginning of the recording in case there is an issue with file name.
The audio quality needs to be such that we can hear dynamics and nuances of your playing (recording ok with smartphones, tablets, quality audio video cameras)
Separate files (Scales, Etude 1, Etude 2, improv etc.) OR "All in One Take" is okay
*Please send all scales in ONE file NOT multiple files for each scale
Wind Ensemble Band Placement
To be considered additionally for a symphonic band, make sure to submit the Wind Ensemble EXCERPT as well
Recording Tips:
Having the video recorder several feet away from the player tends to work best.
If you can, try to find an open area to record your audition. Basements, living rooms, and non-carpeted areas sound best
Upload Tips:
Try to avoid file sizes over 200MB
Make sure you upload on a faster network (Wifi or LTE, data charges as applicable!)
Use an email address that you check frequently so we can contact you in case there are any issues with your upload​ - you will also receive a receipt/confirmation email sent to this email address.
You should receive a submission confirmation when you complete your form.
Auditions are due May 1st, 2023.
Please contact Mr. Genualdi <vince.genualdi@d214.org> if you have any questions.